for your donation, however small, as it’s vital for us to restore seagrass and coral.


We need every drop to make a difference. Donate a drop!

By donating to Blue Ocean Watch you are ensuring that we will press on working to save Seagrass meadows and Coral reefs which are among the most important factors for keeping our oceans alive and healthy.


GIVE whatever you can to create a wave of difference in seagrass and coral restoration.

Donor Box Fundraising

Your support will power the rollout of educational tools that give researchers and students live classrooms in an open-source manner.

Expensive fees for live data should not be a barrier to innovative conservation. Your support will also fuel the development and deployment of live camera feeds placed on reefs that can be monitored and maneuvered remotely. This provides a dynamic, custom research environment that makes science come alive!

Whatever the amount you donate, you will receive regular progress reports that will include exclusive links to on-site videos showing the work being done and illustrating what your donation helped to achieve.

Our BOW scientists, filmmakers, media and education specialists are constantly working on a variety of oceanic subjects to learn and try to find solutions.

We will not only feed this data and information into an interactive database and website for students but also create videos and messages for social media and educational material for schools and universities distributed by UNESCO worldwide.

The BOW interactive database will empower “online learning” in a dynamic manner by allowing custom inputs and personalization of testing. This moves online learning out of the range of passive consumption and into to the vibrant world of real field research.

JOIN US by Becoming a Champion for Seagrass and Coral change through your Sponsorship
Support BLUE OCEAN WATCH to protect the oceans by donating. With your help, it will allow us to launch expeditions and create educational material for schools and universities across the world.